Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Are you fucking kidding me?

Well, the score is now...what? B2 - 5, P.T.C. - 0? Something along those lines. Our little siege at the warehouse in Indianapolis didn't go well.

Let me repeat that.

B2 single-handedly managed to fight his way past three-dozen soldiers of roughly-equal skill level and similar hardware, while totally surrounded.

He didn't even stop to kill any of them. Everyone survived, but they're in various states of injury, and all of them are wondering how in the hell they lost when they outnumbered him thirty-six to one. B2 clearly doesn't want to be brought in, alive or dead; Moreso than we want to bring him in.

We're backing off for now. B2, I know you're reading this, so I'll tell you this. You have one last chance to come clean and tell us what the hell you're up to. Trust me, if it's Slender Man related, we're all on the same side. It's not like we can do anything to you until most of our military department gets out of the hospital here, anyways.

On the subject of whatever else we're dealing with here at the P.T.C., we'll keep you people notified if there's anything we think you need to know.



  1. Hm, it's starting to seem like the people around SM are more interesting then SM himself. Perhaps I'll start looking into B2 sometime.

  2. Sometimes I can't find my good habits.
